Up to speed

My final technology column for the Journalist was published just before Christmas and I decided to take the opportunity to reflect a little on how technology has changed our jobs. I also tried to gee up some of the tech-wary journalists by explaining how technology opens the door to so many potential stories.

The second part of the column demonstrates some of the tools at journalists disposal for data journalism. Technology has enabled journalists to tell stories with data more effectively than ever before. Journalists should be using tools such as Google Sheets, Open Refine and Tableau Public, or at the very least know what they can do with them.

I finish with some words of encouragement for the tech wary journalist:

Of course, being tech-savvy might not be essential in order to be a journalist, but neither is 100 words per minute (wpm) shorthand. Yet both make your job a lot easier.

And as someone who tried and failed to master shorthand, I’d argue that anyone who has reached 100wpm should find getting up to speed with the latest technological developments a doddle.

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